About the ball:
We wanted the ball to be somewhat aware of its environment, in order to support a Pong-ball-like maneuverability. We feel that we have accomplished this on a satisfactory level. However in the original game, a movement of the bat while hitting the ball would also influence the new speed and direction of the ball. Implementing this would require the ball to be aware of the speed of the two bats and we would lose the beautiful simplicity of our current architecture.
In our evaluation of the project presentation we discussed the cosmetics of the ball. A spectator commented that he could not recognize the ball. There are several causes for this: The big, slow and clumsy NXT ball does not really resemble the small and fast ball from the old Atari game. The NXT center of rotation is far from the center of the Lego construction, upon collision it backs up before turning to a new angle and it does not change its speed. So the spectator is easily excused. We see that there is room for much improvement on the physical construction of the ball and have a few ideas for future work on the project.
If we had more time to develop we would work on making the ball smaller and faster in order to make it more similar to the original, this at the same time might also help to increase the difficult level of the game and make the game more fun.
On the Lego technology used in the ball:
In the end the compass worked out well, all though a deviation of as little as 5 degrees would cause strange things to happen.
The nice calculation of the angle of reflection is possible because we know at which angle the ball is colliding with the wall. In theory this may be done using several touch sensors on the perimeter of the ball. For us it is only possible to calculate the angle of reflection because we make the initial assumption about the environment being a quadratic box, on which the ball can align itself.
About the human controlled bat:
The human controlled bat proved to be the simplest of our three components. It generally fits the requirements mentioned in the initial post(a construction controllable by a human via bluetooth), although we chose a two-engine design for improved stability.
Even though the bats are both directionally stable on a non-slippery surface, we have noticed that the construction tends to slide out of direction during rapid direction changes on a more slippery surface. We have narrowed the reasons for this imprecision down to a simple matter of the weight not being distributed equally on both sides of the construction.
The current graphical user interface is very simple, and could indeed benefit from a reworking.
About the autonomous bat:
We are generally satisfied with the autonomous bat. It works well even though it is a simple construction with simple software. The requirements fits well with the behavior based architecture, which made it possible to implement it in a simple and elegant fashion. The bat works entirely based on the sensor readings measured on the surrounding environment.
It has been funny to see that the robots have insect-like behavior and are entirely unaware of each others presence, yet for the outsider they still seem to interact.
The autonomous bat suffers from the same weight distribution issue of the Lego construction as the human controlled bat. The unbalanced construction have a tendency to pull the bat away from its intended axis of movement. There are several possible solutions, one being a new construction with the weight redistributed to balance the movement and keep the robot aligned to its course.
About the platform:
Having worked with the Lejos system for the development of this project, we find that it hasn't limited our development in any way. We were very impressed with the overall completeness of the system, keeping in mind that it is an opensource project. One thing we have missed though, is the presence of some PC simulation/debugging software, this could have drastically shortened our write-compile-debug cycle. For some reason we used a lot of time trying to establish bluetooth connection between NXT and PC. Had we been successful much sooner this would have been a great support to gain debugging / logging information in the development cycle.
Future work summary:
- Rebuild of the ball, to get a more ball-like behavior.
- Rebuild of the graphical user interface for the human controlled bat.
- Adjust the center of gravity for the bats.
In conclusion: The game works, but it is too easy. Some of the future work would help relieve this problem, but short of making the human controlled bat move very slowly, which wouldn't be fun for the player, there doesn't seem to be a easy solution for this.
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